Some of the most important tasks involved in keeping your landscape shrubs, plants, and hedges healthy are trimming and pruning. These terms are used a lot, but they're both different and your plants need them both.

If you're in Grand Rapids, Ada, Cascade, and nearby Michigan locations learn when trimming and pruning should be done as well as how they are different.

How Trimming & Pruning Are Different

Trimming is generally done at least twice a year. Plants need trimming for a maintained appearance and to control any wayward branches. It ensures your shrubs and hedges are kept healthy throughout the year. Pruning, on the other hand, is usually only performed once a year. It is a more selective process done solely for the health of the plant. When a plant or hedge is pruned, it loses any dead, dying, or diseased branches that could be taking away resources from the healthy part of the plant.

Trimming is done mostly to upkeep the appearance of a plant and enhance your curb appeal, while pruning is done for plant health.

When Plants Should Be Trimmed Throughout the Year

Shrubs being hand trimmed near Grand Rapids, MI.

Most plants should receive routine trimmings in the spring and in the fall. The first trimming comes after the winter months to shape the plant for the growing season and the second trimming in the fall helps to shape the plant again after the summer months.

Some plants, however, especially on properties that require constant maintenance, may be trimmed much more often than that depending on the homeowner or business owner's desire. Trimming to maintain the shape of a plant can be done at any time of the year if it's needed.

When Plant Pruning Should Occur

Pruning, on the other hand, should really only happen once a year. Too much pruning can be detrimental to the health of the plant. Generally, for non-flowering plants and shrubs, pruning should be done sometime in the late fall after most of the leaves have fallen. This provides the most branch visibility and allows the professional pruner to accurately remove any problem branches. For flowering shrubs, however, pruning should occur in spring after the flowers have bloomed. By pruning at this time, it encourages thicker, fuller growth and more blooms the following year.

What Happens if Plants Aren't Trimmed or Pruned

Ignoring your plants' growth can cause many problems down the line. Without routine trimming or annual pruning, landscape plants will not reach optimal levels of health and will weaken, making themselves more susceptible to plant diseases and insect infestations. Additionally, there won't be anyone examining the plants for signs of these diseases and insects, which means it's much more likely that your plants will suffer and eventually die. It's best to have a professional keep up with your trimming and pruning schedule so your plants can thrive.

Do your landscape plants need trimming and pruning services? Give our company a call.

At Rose Landscape Services, we trim and prune landscape plants at residential and commercial properties across the areas of Grand Rapids, Ada, Cascade, and nearby Michigan cities. Give our landscape trimming company a call today at (616) 293-0361 to set up an estimate on our services!